Travel North

Corporate Identity

Travel North


The corporate identity for a travel agency called "Travel North" which focuses on trips to the northern countries: Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark and the Faroer Islands.

Background and Concept

This project is a CI for a fictional company I created. The concept is a travel agency that focuses on trips to the northern countries: Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark and the Faroer Islands. The company offers a variety of different trips - from city to nature adventure - choosing the vehicle - car, bus, train, plain, ship - to the places to stay at and the leisure activities. Creating your trip the way you want it.

The idea for this project developed through a trip I made myself to Iceland in 2016 and the country really fascinated me. I booked my trip with a travel agency and I was very happy with it even tough there are a few things I would make different. That's why I want to put them in my project. I created a logo, a business card, a sticker, a stamp, a poster, a folder and a brochure.

The company´s target group are people between twenty and fifty years, but also families, who want to experience adventures and want to escape daily life. These people love to travel and love to learn about new countries and cultures. The price range is middle to high. The best moments are created away from the cities keeping distance to the internet and social media. This is the feeling that these trips should provide.

Design Elements and Process

"Travel North" is the companies name that I choose after creating a mood board and finishing the brainstorming process. Continuing on I created the slogan "Nature. Freedom. Adventure." underlining the target on nature and the freedom to plan the trip the way the traveler wants.

For the logo I used the font „CATNorthLicht-Bold“ as a base but changed it that the word "travel" has the original font with a black contour but the word "north" is filled in black. The name is written in capital letters and aligned in center among each other. There are three different existing versions of the logo, one in color, one in black/white/grey and the third version is just the font without the map of the countries in the background. The "o" in the word "north" shows a compass. The color for the background is (# 6F969A) a turquois tone that suits the northern theme of the corporate identity.

The business card consists of a front and a back. On the front there is the logo and the slogan "Nature. Freedom. Adventure.". Therefore I used the font "Century Gothic". On the back one can find the contact data including name, email, phone number and the website which is also written in "Century Gothic" to keep the design consistent. The fonts harmonize very well standing in contrast to each other. The background color is the same as the one used for the logo.

Travel North
Travel North Travel North

Furthermore the corporate design includes a sticker and a stamp. The sticker is a good addition because people like to put stickers on there suitcases or laptops etc. It is a reminder and an advertisement at the same time. I tried to focus on what I would use myself that doesn't scream advertisement but is more a memory and a reminder of the travel. There is a sticker for every country that you can travel to and a neutral one that just shows the logo of the company. The stamp was meant as an extra detail and can be used as a graphic element on products for example letters.

Travel North Travel North

The folder for the company is there to give general information about the agency. This could be used in the office, on fairs or to send it to costumers. The folder gives an overview of the products that the agency offers. Again you can find contact data on the back.

I chose one of the countries (Iceland) to show how the posters would look like. There should be one poster for each country with a big photo as the background. On the bottom of the poster one can see the logo, slogan and contact data. The design is fitting to the corporate design of the company. The same goes for the brochure where I also used Iceland as an example. In the brochure are all important information about the country from contact data, a map, sights, the capital city Reykjavik and a variety of leisure time activities.

Travel North
Travel North Travel North

Programs used for this project are Abobe Illustrator, Abobe Photoshop and Abobe InDesign.


CATNorthLicht-Bold: https://www.dafont.com/de/cat-north-licht.font

Century Gothic: https://fonts.adobe.com/fonts/century-gothic#fonts-section

Photos by Philpp Keschl: https://photo.philippkeschl.at/

September 08, 2018